Divorcing a Narcissist: 10 Tips From a Therapist (by Nicole Arzt, LMFT)
Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder rooted in a sense of superiority, arrogance, and little regard for others. People with NPD may present as conceited and inappropriate in social settings. They may undermine or demean others to get their needs met.
According to the DSM-5, NPD is characterized by:
Grandiose behaviors: Grandiosity refers to having an unrealistic and pervasive sense of superiority. People with NPD often believe they are special and entitled to certain privileges
Lack of or limited empathy: People with NPD often struggle to connect emotionally to others. They may find other emotions burdensome.
Obsessive need for admiration: NPD coincides with a strong need for external validation. Someone with NPD may seek continuous reinforcement via other people, professional achievements, or other forms of narcissistic supply.