Divorce is one of the most trying and stressful times a family will experience, even in the most amicable of circumstances. Along with the emotional strain that comes with a divorce, the parties must work out important issues, such as whether and to what extent alimony and child support will be paid, how property will be divided, and the custody and parenting schedule of the parties’ children. These decisions can be daunting.
When a marriage comes to an end, you will need assistance from knowledgeable attorneys to help you navigate the difficult road of divorce in Connecticut. The attorneys at GraberRoberts, LLC, understand that each case is different, and each client has individualized needs and goals. We strive to meet each client’s individual needs and goals through frank advice and strong advocacy. With more than 60 years of combined experience in family law, we take pride in successfully assisting many of our clients in resolving their divorce and family law disputes without a contested hearing. Yet while we endeavor to resolve disputes outside of the courtroom, each attorney at our firm is ready, willing, and able to litigate disputes in court, if necessary.
Divorce Litigation
Many times, parties are unable to resolve their disputes on their own. In those cases, they will need to rely on the court to resolve the issues and make the final divorce orders after a contested hearing. Learn more about our litigation practice by clicking here.
Uncontested Divorce
Unlike a contested divorce hearing where the court decides issues of alimony, child support, property division, and custody and parenting, if you and your spouse reach an agreement, you may get divorced via an uncontested divorce. An uncontested divorce allows you and your spouse to set the terms of your divorce in a Separation Agreement. Rather than a lengthy and expensive divorce trial, you are only required to appear in court briefly, so that a Judge may approve and enter as an order your Separation Agreement. While typically the parties must wait at least 90 days after the divorce action had been filed to get divorced, parties may now be able to waive that 90-day waiting period in certain circumstances. If everyone involved is reasonable and amicable, the process can be quick and relatively painless.
The following are some considerations for parties who are thinking about getting divorced:
The court has vast discretion in determining whether and what amount of alimony (or spousal support) will be paid by one spouse to another. Some factors that go into determining whether and to what extent alimony is paid by one party to another may include:
The length of the marriage.
The health and ages of the parties.
The parties educational and employment background.
Debts and needs of each party.
The causes of the breakdown of the marriage.
The law surrounding alimony is complex. It is crucial to work with an attorney who not only understands the nuances of the law, but also the tax rules and implications relating to alimony.
Child Support
The amount of child support paid and received may potentially be a significant issue in a pending divorce or family law case. Child support in Connecticut is calculated based upon the parents’ incomes. Using the Connecticut Child Support Guidelines, a set amount of child support is calculated, however this calculated amount may be adjusted (deviated) based on:
Visitation expenses.
Substantial assets or resources of the parents.
Parents’ expenses.
Parents’ medical expenses or needs and the child’s special needs.
Differences in income between the parents.
The division of marital assets in a divorce.
Whether your situation is straight forward or complex, our knowledgeable attorneys understand the available options and are ready to assist you in accomplishing your goals and protecting your financial interests.
Property Division
The division of marital assets can be one of the most complicated aspects of divorce in Connecticut. Working with an experience divorce and family law attorney is crucial to obtaining the best results in dividing your property.
Connecticut divides assets by “equitable distribution.” This means that assets owned by one or both parties are subject to division, regardless of legal ownership or title or the date of acquisition. Contrary to common thought, equitable distribution is not necessarily a straight 50/50 division of the marital assets. Some factors that are considered in division assets are:
The length of the marriage.
The parties’ health and ages.
The education and employability of each party.
The debts and needs of each party.
Each party’s ability to obtain assets and income in the future.
Any contributions a party has made towards the marital estate.
It is important to secure experienced and knowledgeable representation during your divorce to assist you in dividing your marital estate. The attorneys at GraberRoberts, LLC have decades of experience in assisting clients divide their marital estates. We regularly represent individuals with complex, high net worth estates. We draw upon our extensive financial backgrounds and work efficiently and effectively to assist clients in obtaining the best possible results.
Custody and Parenting
When it comes to a divorce or family law issues, perhaps none are more important as those relating to custody and parenting of the parties’ children. The attorneys at GraberRoberts, LLC, understand the importance of resolving these issues in an expedited amicable manner to limit the impact of such disputes on the children.
There are two types of custody in Connecticut:
Legal Custody: Which parent has the right to make decisions on behalf of the minor children relating to their health, education, and religious upbringing.
Physical Custody: Where the children spend their time.
The parenting plan will usually state not only the legal and physical custody of the minor children, but also the parenting schedules of the children. No two parenting plans are the same. While one parenting plan may set forth a fixed schedule of days and times, including a holiday and summer parenting schedule, others may be less defined with a greater amount of flexibility. We understand that each family is unique and has individual needs and are prepared to work with each client to meet their family’s needs.
We at GraberRoberts, LLC, are committed to protecting your interests and the interests of your children while helping you through this difficult time in your life.